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WHAT LOVE MAYBE IS NOT: From the book's back cover:  If love is supposed to represent union and joy, why do people equate it with fear and suffering?

Assertions such as love hurt, I suffered at the expense of love, I am afraid to love, I have to sacrifice for love, and in extreme cases when people physically or psychologically hurt one another they attribute their behavior to some justification that involves the word love. In religious circles, it is said that God is love while simultaneously saying that God punishes. I heard a comedian say, “If you disobey God you will end up burning in hell or purgatory for the rest of eternity, but remember, the guy loves you.”

Where we observe the most contradictory behavior when it comes to love is undoubtedly in interpersonal relationships. Does that imply that love is contradictory? Why not consider the possibility that any contradictions may be because whatever we have learned about love may not be true?

This book is about how to let go of the fear that prevents us from experiencing love. But first, it will expose the most common beliefs about the subject so we can begin questioning if what we think love is, maybe, is not.

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HEALING PREJUDICE & RACISM: Only love can cure us all.: From the book's back cover: In a world that is meant to be our home, fear has given rise to oppression and a sense of separation between its inhabitants. Physical as well as emotional walls are built that won’t allow us to see who we truly are as a family. Borders are created between nations. People considered themselves different and, in many instances “superior” to others because of the color of their skin, religious or spiritual beliefs, social and economic status, and so on.

Even those who considered themselves to be peacemakers or bringers of truth do not realize that they carry within the fear that is reflected in the world they perceive that, paradoxically, feed the very same oppression and conflict they seek to eradicate.

It is not the world that needs changing. It is ourselves who need to change! Because the world is a mirror, and mirrors do not attack, they reflect!

Therefore, for those who are ready and willing to heal what gives rise to our sense of separation; with uncompromising honesty and genuine kindness, this book points out what needs to be looked at within ourselves, as uncomfortable as it may be, thus allowing the power of love to cure us all.
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IS NOT WHAT YOU EAT IS WHAT YOU EAT IT WITH: From the book's back cover: This book will address beliefs we have about food; especially the impact we believe they may have on our health. Some may assume that I might be offering suggestions regarding what kind of food to eat as well as what to avoid for health and longevity. Rest assured that I will not. Even when I will address possible reasons as to why people eat, which may fall in the category of eating disorders, their behavior will not be associated with any particular psychological human condition but with a mistaken sense of identity. Do not be concerned about what I meant by a mistaken sense of identity. It will become clear as you read the content of the book...And one last thing: This book is not about debating eating habits or generating controversy around the subject. Is about what motivates us to eat, regardless of whether what we eat is considered healthy or not. As you read the words printed on these pages, pay attention to your gut feeling. If something resonates put it to the test. Because ultimately, is your experience that matters, not what I say.


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FORGET ABOUT ME: From the book's back cover: “Although this message points in the direction of the abstract nature of reality, incomprehensible to the human mind, we must begin where we think we are. What I mean by that is, you consider yourself to be an individual who is reading a book filled with words that convey some information; in the same way, you believe everything you have learned about yourself. That is why concepts, such as words, are employed so that this information can be transmitted and slowly assimilated, hopefully with the least amount of resistance. However, the time will come when you will have to jump into the void, sort of speak, so that your own experience and discernment bear witness to the relevance and truth behind the message contained in this book.

The only thing you are asked is not to make anything special about the individual who writes these words. Look in the direction the words are pointing to and forget about me.”
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THE GIFT OF AN ILLNESS: From the book's back cover: You wonder how an illness can be labeled as a gift. And the answer is, first, because we do not know what an illness is and, second, because we are not aware of its purpose. Once you read the content of this book, a new way of looking at an illness will emerge. You will stop judging it and what you will feel will be pure gratitude. As a result of this change in mentality, liberation is experienced. Due to ignorance, illness becomes the last resort that life uses to persuade us to become aware of the freedom that we are, also known as love

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YOU ARE NOT CRAZY JUST HEALING: From the book's back cover: If you think your life is turning upside down, let me remind you that it was always upside down. The information shared in this book, as I have said before, is to be integrated, not to be “understood”. Whichever path you find yourself traversing, remember that it is to free yourself from the imprisonment you have become accustomed to living in. If it is the direct path (surrender), there will be no suffering. If, however, it is a detour (seeking and striving), although the experience may be uncomfortable, you will never be abandoned. It is simply another opportunity for you to return to the direct path so that Love continues to support you, just as it has always done, even when you thought you were separate from It.”
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I AM IN WHICH EVERYTHING SEEMS TO APPEAR AND DISAPPEAR: From the book's back cover: The latent Truth in everyone is what leads the individual, sooner or later, on the path of seeking. This seeking is another attempt to remember one’s True and Permanent sense of identity, which, although it has never been lost, remains hidden behind the belief that “I am this body and the world I perceive is something separate from me.”

Interestingly enough, all seeking has the appearance of “advancing” towards the attainment of a particular experience or state; call it enlightenment, awakening, and so on. However, this seeking tends to be the last strategy that the mind uses to continue sustaining its false sense of identity as an “individual” that now believes it is “awakening”. Because the awakening of which we speak here is the absence of the “individual”. Hence, the understanding that I Am, in which everything seems to appear and disappear.
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AM: From the book's back cover:  This book is written with the understanding that only one who is ready to receive it will be able to accept it... The simplicity and obviousness of this message are such that to be welcomed, you would first have to be willing to die.

The “death” spoken of here is the death of a concept. The concept “I am something.” Something referred to here is “I am a separate entity.” It is for this reason that any philosophy or teaching that points in the direction of the non-dual essence of Being always emphasizes the fact that I am not a body but, rather, I simply Am.

That; call it Love, Essence, or Am is responsible for our brief encounter. And through the words printed in this book wants us to direct our attention within. That way Love can remind us that I Am, or that I simply Am.

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"You Are" Freedom: From the book's back cover: "What is thought but an image devoid of substance? Let’s say you are sleeping. In your bed you are free. However, you dream that you are in a cell. Does that cell have the power to imprison you? The answer is no because it is just a thought. But as long as you believe that it is a “reality”, on a symptomatic level you suffer the consequences of holding that belief. You are still free and you always will be. Therefore, it is not necessary for someone in the dream to open the door of the cell to free you. You simply have to recognize that it is a thought that you have manufactured as the dreamer of the dream, nothing more."

The content of this book makes you aware of the freedom in which you permanently rest.

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When What Happens When You Let God was published, it was intended as a spring board for people who are caught in the world of self-help that may find themselves running in circles. It is not a 100% representation of the non-dual nature of the Course in Miracles teaching, although it points in that direction,

Having said that, the second book, What Happened After Letting God is strictly focused on the non-dual nature of the teachings of A Course in Miracles closing the circle that began with the previous one.

The experience of the world is cyclical. Everything has a beginning and an end. After all these years I felt inspired to grab my first book, What Happens When You Let God, and update it. But as I started reading it, I realized because of how the language is formulated I would have to rewrite it. That is why the second book, What Happened After Letting God, is a wonderful representation of my understanding of the non-dual message of A Course in Miracles.

What Happens When You Let God, although could surely support many people who are starting this journey, since it content relates to the teachings of A Course in Miracles, the last thing I want is that any possible misinterpretation could generate some confusion for anyone who feels inspired to study the Course.

The book served its purpose. It was written with a lot of love and devotion. But since it does not represent 100% the unequivocal non-dual purity of A Course in Miracles, I prefer not to make it available. That is why, again, the second book, What Happened After Letting God, written 10 years later, represent more accurately the non-dual nature of the teachings of A Course in Miracles. However, it is NOT, and will NEVER be a substitute or a companion to A Course in Miracles. Whoever feels the desire to study the Course, my suggestion is to forget my book and stick with the Course itself.

Email received from reader of What Happens When You Let God in June, 2023:

Here is an email I received, which by the say, I chose not to show the names of the authors he mentioned he had read because I don't want this to be a comparison between those who have written about the teachings of the Course. Having said that, here is his letter:

Dear Nick,

I just finished reading your book "What happens when you let God". And I am surprised it is not available anymore. I have had the Course in Miracles since 1978 and have done the Workbook 3 times.

I knew Bill Thetford, and have read (name of authors undisclosed). Your explanations and diagrams spoke to me like no other before. I guess only you and the Holy Spirit knows why you took it off the market. But I for one am glad I bought it before you did take it off circulation!

PS. I just ordered your follow up book  "What Happened after letting God".

My answer to his email:

Hi G.,

Thank you so much for your message. And I am glad you enjoyed What Happens When You Let God. The book was written in order to share my experience as I put into practice the theory of A Course in Miracles back in 2008 or so. But at the time, it was written under the impression that "I" as an "individual" chooses between two thought systems, therefore keeping the message at the level of duality.

Although the information theoretically is accurate, I did not feel that represents 100% the Course´s message and felt that the right thing for me to do was to take it out of the market, and instead, publishing What Happened After Letting God, more than ten years of practicing the Course, which represents the non-dual message of the Course's content.

What Happened after letting God is enough for anyone who would like to be introduced to the Course's teachings, without having to read the one I wrote prior to that, and also, as in the first, reminding the reader not to use my book as a reference nor substitute of the Course. I thought of rewriting What Happens When You Let God but deep in my heart it did not feel right.

Having said that, once again, thank you so much for your message, and I trust you will enjoy the new one.

Love, peace and gratitude,
