Monday, May 13, 2024

What Happens When You Let God REWRITTEN Available Now!

What Happens When You Let God Rewritten

Introduction & Conclusion

Available Now!

From the back cover: Seeing that happiness and peace can be experienced, even in some of the most challenging scenarios, gives testimony to the value of forgiveness.
But first, it is imperative to look at the obstacles to peace. That could be an extremely overwhelming experience, which the original version of this book did not address as clearly.
Also, this rewritten version makes two important distinctions: One, A Course in Miracles addresses the mind that is dreaming this dream of separation, not the individual. Second, it emphasizes that the Course is a non-dual teaching.
A Course in Miracles is an extensive body of work with an uncanny ability to say the same thing over and over again in its thousand-plus pages with flawless precision and without any contradiction. As its message is being comprehended, it is seen that all that is doing is looking at the ego’s thought system from every possible angle, unveiling its mask. Then, in a kind and loving manner, the Holy Spirit undoes its belief system, and consequently restores the mind to peace; to Truth.

“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32 

The link to order your Soft Cover copy in US is:
But remember that you can order it from the Amazon platform in your country using their respective links.

To order the Kindle version click on the following link: