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then do a search by typing the book's title: What Love Maybe is Not.
WHAT LOVE MAYBE IS NOT: From the book's back cover: If love is supposed to represent union and joy, why do people equate it with fear and suffering?
Assertions such as love hurt, I suffered at the expense of love, I am afraid to love, I have to sacrifice for love, and in extreme cases when people physically or psychologically hurt one another they attribute their behavior to some justification that involves the word love. In religious circles, it is said that God is love while simultaneously saying that God punishes. I heard a comedian say, “If you disobey God you will end up burning in hell or purgatory for the rest of eternity, but remember, the guy loves you.”
Where we observe the most contradictory behavior when it comes to love is undoubtedly in interpersonal relationships. Does that imply that love is contradictory? Why not consider the possibility that any contradictions may be because whatever we have learned about love may not be true?
This book is about how to let go of the fear that prevents us from experiencing love. But first, it will expose the most common beliefs about the subject so we can begin questioning if what we think love is, maybe, is not.

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